Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life is unpredictable!

Well, this morning I checked my email and to my horror, the student who got hit by a car in New Jersey from Kenan-flagler business school (the school i'm currently in for an exchange program) has died. This is the 2nd case for this year alone that one of my school mate fall victim to the reckless drivers on the road. The first case was earlier on February where a student from NUS business school (my university). The NUS business school created a memorial website and video in rememberance of this great guy who unfortunately could not fulfill his dreams and destiny. I suggested this idea to the school I'm in to the student body's president to remember Jason Ray, who was a great guy and participated as the Rams mascot of UNC during basketball matches, cheering the team and drawing crowds of supporters to cheer loudly.
It's rather shocking that life is so unpredictable and this reminds me of a Steve Jobs message in which he told college students to live as if there will be no tomorrow. I guess everyone will know that life is very unpredictable, especially being in this post terrorism era. However, with people who are in close proximity to my life dying at such a young age, this notion that life is unpredictable is reinforced in my mind.
Let's keep these 2 young guys, and the rest of the victims to road accidents, in our prayer. And to all drivers: please use your vehicles responsibly...

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